NaNoWriMo Is Over

2:39 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

This is my second year doing NaNoWriMo, and it was definitely harder than the first. I'll say it once, I'll say it again, I'll say it for the people in the back, I'll repeat it until I die. Writing is hard. It's taking something from nothing and putting it down on paper. This year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world pledged to write 50,000 words in a month.

November started with my aunt and her boyfriend arriving, which meant that we were going to have more people in the house for a while.

I love my aunt, and her boyfriend is pretty cool, but I have certain criteria that must be met for me to start writing. One of those is a quiet house, or an appropriate level of background noise. Aunts and little brothers running around screaming. That's one of the reasons why I like writing at my local Starbucks.

Another thing that hindered my writing was the fact that everybody in the house (Mom, Dad, Little Bro, Aunt, and Aunt's Boyfriend) got sick. Including me.

Anyway, one of the most important things about NaNoWriMo isn't that we write 50,000 words in a month. The most important thing is that hundreds of thousands of people decided to sit down and take something from nothing.

Anybody that did NaNoWriMo, I'm proud of you. And for the writers in my readership, please join me for Camp NaNoWriMo in March/April!

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace

An Open Letter to a Prospective Partner

4:32 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi y'all! I'm breaking my hiatus to give you a little musing on something that happened while I was on my trip.

Airplane Post 7: An Assortment of Movies

11:41 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I have yet to understand the title of Kubo and the Two Strings. Perhaps a reader who watches it can enlighten me later. Anyway, this movie was phenomenal. It was the first truly original movie that I’ve seen in the past two years. And yes, I cried at the end. (Of course, I’ve cried at every movie I’ve seen this summer.)

Other movies that I saw this summer included Star Trek: Beyond, Finding Dory, and The Secret Life of Pets; all of which made me cry. 

I believe that this Star Trek movie was the best in the past few years (I’m partial to the one with the whales for some reason.). A well balanced female warrior, an old starship, Chekov, and that perfect use of the Beastie Boys made Beyond into an amazing movie that I would definitely watch multiple times. 

I think I cried the most at Finding Dory, but I think I knew that I would cry going in. I had been waiting for so long for this movie, and now it’s here. There was a certain magic of seeing the conclusion of one of my favourite childhood movies with the giant red recliners of an AMC movie theater. It’s better than the reviews say. If you go and see a movie, see Finding Dory.

The Secret Life of Pets was a weird movie. As much as I loved it, it just felt a little forced. Of course, it was extremely well written and I loved it all the same. I’m not saying don’t go see it, but there were movies that I would have preferred to see, such as Pete’s Dragon. 

There were three big movies that I didn’t see this summer. These were Suicide Squad, Ice Age (15?), and Pete’s Dragon. I really wanted to see Pete’s Dragon and Suicide Squad. My parents said that Suicide Squad was horrible, but with Panic! at the Disco and twenty øne piløts on the same soundtrack, it can’t be that bad right? It’s gotten really good reviews from my friends. 

A final note on Ice Age: They should have stopped at three. 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)
Anna Grace

Airplane Post 6: Time is a Funny Thing

11:41 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Are there certain places in the world where you wonder if time is displaced? Is that just me? I know it isn’t, because I saw a tumblr post about it. These places, such as an empty school, are strange to humans because we already have a context for it. Students are supposed to be in a school. Lots of people are supposed to be in a school. So when you’re in an empty school after dark, you feel strange. Where are all the people? Why is it so dark? Why am I in an empty school after dark anyway?

In an airplane, time just doesn’t seem to exist. I’m here, and it’s 4:46 am and 3:46 pm at the same time. Then I look at the clock on the plane, and I see that I have 9 hours and 58 minutes left. What to do with all that time? I can’t sleep, meal service has ended, and I’m tired of staring at a screen. For the first few hours I reenacted Hamilton (Delta has Hamilton on their entertainment software because why not?). 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)

Anna Grace

Airplane Post 5: Portion Sizes

12:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

This trip has been great. That being said, I feel like shit and I think that if I ate anything remotely healthy my body would reject it. I’ve tried my best to eat healthily on this trip, but it’s hard when you’re in America. Every chance I got, whether we were in Pensacola or New Orleans or Atlanta, I tried to eat a salad for the meal. 

(That was practically impossible in Texas and Arkansas, because a) those were the first two places we went; and b) when you’ve been overseas and haven’t had really good Tex-Mex or BBQ, you eat it regardless of how you’ll feel later. For the first 8 days that we were in the States, we had some kind of BBQ for a meal. )

These salads were huge though! In fact, everything in America is huge! A few hours ago, my mom and I split a kids meal. I don’t think I’ve even seen my brother finish an American kids meal. 

Despite the fact that crazy cheap prices for huge portions might sound good, it’s a contributor to the major health problems in America. 10 dollars will buy a lot more McDonald’s than fruits and/or veggies, which is why you often see or hear of people in relative poverty eating unhealthy foods. 

So what are we going to do about it? I’d love to hear your ideas. 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning?

Anna Grace

Airplane Post 4: Plane Back

11:38 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

We’re back with the airplane blog post challenge! As of right now, I’m on a plane back to Japan. This one is nonstop, so I think it’ll be easier to write more. That being said, I’m very tired. 

School starts soon and I’m really nervous, so I have to shift my priorities a bit. I’ll try and space these blog posts out so that you guys get good content for the next week or so without me pulling my hair out. I’ll also try and schedule a few posts so that when the school year starts you guys won’t be left with nothing to read. Also, what do you guys want to see more on my blog? What do you like about it? Leave it in the comments!

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)
Anna Grace

Airplane Post 3: Perpendicular

6:35 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

In all my time as an amateur kind-of-but-not-really observer of maps, I’ve never realized that the space between Alaska and Hawaii forms a straight line. It took semi-severe turbulence for me to bring myself to check the flight progress map found in the monitor on the back of the seat in front of me. It turns out that at that very moment, we were perpendicular to that line. 

This has made me think about people and lines. There are parallel people, perpendicular people, and other-names-for-lines-that-I-can’t-remember-right-now people. 

With perpendicular people, we enter their lives for a while, and then leave, impacting them in a way.

With parallel people, I have two theories. The first is that these are people that stay with us our whole lives, or at least longer than perpendicular people. Like our parents and life-long/best friends could be parallel people. 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)
Anna Grace

Airplane Post 2: Neurosis

11:05 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

In a book I’ve been reading for my Duke TIP program, it described writers as neurotic. Now, I’ve looked it up, and neurotic is described as: abnormally sensitive, obsessive, or tense and anxious. (My first search yielded this answer: suffering from neurosis) 

I’ve spent a lot of time since reading that chapter, thinking about whether or not I could be neurotic. On the one hand, it seems completely plausible. I match all of the symptoms described, so why the hell not? On the other hand, I’m a teenager that once convinced herself that she had a terminal illness after reading WebMD for too long one day. 

The whole reason why I’m leaning towards the form
er answer is this flight. I spent the first five hours listening to broadway cast albums (Hamilton and Fun House) and different podcasts (Dear Hank and John, Alice isn’t Dead, and Within the Wires). As soon as I tried to listen to regular music and tried to get to sleep, I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking, from moving my hands, from keeping my eyes open. It was horrible. The thing is, the moment I started writing this, I started to feel better, like I wasn’t going to need to sleep or anything. 

Of course this was all interrupted by bouts of semi-severe turbulence. 

The book that I had read was called, “Forest For The Trees.” It’s a great read for writers and other people alike.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)
Anna Grace

Airplane Post 1: My Love-Hate Relationship With Travel

10:08 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

As I am currently in an airplane on my way to Seattle, and then on to Dallas, I feel like I should explain what typically happens when I go to the States. 

Airplane Blogging Challenge!

8:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

The Fundamentals of Caring

7:35 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Announcement: I am getting on a plane tomorrow morning. 

Now back to our post about heart and gut wrenching movies on Netflix.

It Is Not Right: A Poem

8:23 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

I wrote this while I was very emotional. Please forgive me, but also please read it.

It's Been A Hard Week (Announcement)

4:28 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

This past week has been hard. It's been really super freaking hard. Not just for me, but for anybody with a heart. Unless, of course, you don't watch or read the news. 24 people have been killed this July in the States by police alone. 146 people are dead in South Sudan, killed on the eve of the fifth anniversary of their independence. There are so many more, but if I spoke of everybody that was killed this month, or even week, I'd be sitting at this desk for a long time.

Here are the names of the people who have died in the States this July as a result of a police gunshot:

July 7, 2016:

Vinson Ramos, California
Unknown, Alabama
Unknown, California
Micah Johnson, Texas

July 6, 2016:

Unknown, California
Unknown, Oklahoma
Philando Castille, Minnesota

July 5, 2016:

Sam Newby, California
Melissa Ventura, Arizona
Joshua Bolster, Oregon
Alton Sterling, Louisiana

July 4, 2016:

William Patterson, South Carolina
Unknown, Texas
Sidney Washington Jr., District of Columbia
Delrawn Small, New York
Anthony Nunez, California

July 3, 2016:

Shannon Labit, Louisiana
Raul Saavedra-Vargas, Nevada
Pedro Villanueva, California

July 2, 2016:

Jonathan Justice, Tennessee
Jai Williams, North Carolina

July 1, 2016:

Steven McQueen, Georgia
Helmut Wihowski, Wisconsin
Alexis Mishtowt, South Carolina

Duke TIP: Part 1

11:32 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I have the honor of participating in the Duke University TIP eStudies program this year! Let me tell you how it's going so far!

Jenne & Trish

5:02 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

     "You can't be serious Jenna. There's no way that you can do this with a clear conscience."
     "What do you mean?" Jenna whipped around. There was really nothing stopping her from doing it, and Trish knew it. Jenna was a whirlwind, always in her own mind, which made her dangerous. Her parents, gone. Her former life, gone. Her records, gone. The impact that she left, gone. Her friends, only Trish remained. And if Jenna went through with this, Trish might not even remain. After all, who could stick around with a certified psychopath?

"What do you mean?" Jenna repeated. "I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car. Now get in."

Alexander Hamilton or Anna Roberts?

7:03 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

There are many ways in which Hamilton has taken over my life. The moment that I really realized that I was so deep in it was when I realized that either I was emulating our $10 founding father without a father, or I had just always been like this. That's right, I'm saying that there are visible parallels between myself and Alexander Hamilton.

I've Been Gone For A While...

12:33 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

So sorry for the lack of posts everybody! I've just been so busy these days. Just recently I reached an important milestone in my academic career, and I'm just so excited for what comes next! I'm also starting the Duke TIP program today, and leaving for a mission trip on Sunday. I'm definitely coming back from this summer with a whole lot of stories!

I'll probably find a lot of time to post after around July 29. Of course, I'll find time to post before then! I'm just so excited that school is over and I'm not as stressed. Anyway, I'm using a new word tracking software to make sure that I do my writing. I'll probably come out with a short story or something of the kind soon.

I'll see you guys later.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace

Getting Confirmed

8:25 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I don't like to put my religious life out there on the internet, but I feel like this is something that I should post, just because I have a speech and I kind of want more people to hear it. Check it out below the break.

It's Raining Somewhere Else - A Midnight Rambling On Empathy

8:19 AM 3 Comments A+ a-

I've got to say, my favourite song from the soundtrack of Undertale is "It's Raining Somewhere Else," which appears when you are in the restaurant with Sans. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a link to a brilliant play through by +jacksepticeye. Of course, if you really want to get the full experience of the game, you would support Toby Fox (the creator of the game) and spend the $10 on the game itself.

I'm not here to talk about the game, so much as the name of the song, and how it relates to me. In the scene that "It's Raining Somewhere Else" appears in, you deal with some pretty heavy stuff (that's all I'll say. No spoilers.).  So, the name really tells us about the nature of the situation with the protagonist and Sans.

I have an overdeveloped sense of empathy, so much to the point that I will let other people's problems get to me, and that affects my daily life and the lives of my loved ones. "It's Raining Somewhere Else" gives me a sense of peace, knowing that just because it's raining somewhere else, doesn't mean that I need to get all upset. Why should I get upset if I'm in Tokyo and it's raining in Kyoto?

Thanks for reading my little midnight ramble.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace

April Was a Disaster. Let Me Tell You Why.

8:05 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I'm going to be quite honest here, Camp NaNo didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. What was supposed to be another great story writing adventure really just turned into me stressing over the ACT that I had to take and the different projects that I had going on. Not a lot of fun. But hey! At least I got a good lesson out of it!

Flash #1 - Somebody Who Matters

7:37 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

     "It's your choice," The boy started. "You can continue your worthless life, or you can become someone who matters." The girl made a face.
     "You call being immortal, someone who matters?" She asked incredulously. "You will live a sadder, ongoing life, than I will in however many days I have left."
     "Twenty six."
     "I said twenty six. That's how many days you have left. Don't ask how I know, I just do."
     The girl took a few seconds to think this through. 'Twenty six days?' She thought to herself. 'No, that can't be right.'
     "You're lying." She decided. "You have to be lying. There is no way that you could know that. I choose not to believe in you, and in not believing in you, you cease to exist. Goodbye Bennet." Bennet looked down at his slowly fading hands.
     "No, Chloe! Don't do this! Please!" But it was too late, for he was no longer audible above the sound of Chloe sobbing, mourning her lost love.

CampNaNo16 Prep Day 2: The Plot

1:43 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I have had friends who have wanted to do NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo, but have been scared that they wouldn't finish or that they would run out of ideas. This is why, for me, planning is essential. That being said, I didn't really have a very elaborate plan for NaNo15. Of course, that's not saying that I didn't have a plan at all. I had a vague idea of where the story was going to go, and even if it's that bare, you still need some sort of plan. 

I Have Done Something Terrible...Again. (CampNaNo16 Prep Day 1)

5:38 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Of course, I really don't mean that this is terrible. I'm just going to be very busy from now on. Even more so than in the past. You will, however, get a lot more word sprints from me as I try and get my speed back up to what it was in November. That's all I've really got to say right now. 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace

Writing is HARD (Post NaNo Crisis)

10:04 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I've reached a bit of a roadblock in my writing, and would like to take this opportunity to correct a myth that's been going around the internet for a while.

Word Sprint #3

8:27 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I know it's been a while since I've written, and that's because I've been in the Japanese countryside for the past couple of weeks. The first weekend was with my church as a part of the youth ministry. We pretty much played in the snow and learned more about our selves in the context of God and Christianity as well as our strengths. This past week I was in Hakuba where I skied and watched movies. So, as you can see, there hasn't been a lot of time to write. Today I'm going to talk about what I did today though.

Word Sprint #2

6:28 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I'm weird, and you should know that by now. You see, I'm not like most teenagers (When I say that, I mean it. This isn't the opening of some chick flick.) I mean, how many other teenagers do you see rapping the entire opening of It Takes Two by DJ EZ Rock and MC Rob Base? How many other teenagers do you see writing novels and going to school in Japan? How many other teenagers are Anna Roberts? Let me tell you, none. There is nobody else like me, and I guess that starts my message for today.

Word Sprint #1

1:31 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I spend a lot of time writing. I also spend a lot of time on the internet. Let's talk about what we're going to do.

The Reason Why I Didn't Ski On A Ski Trip

6:22 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Hi everybody! I've been sick, and let me tell you it sucked. I'll start at the beginning.

What's In A Name

9:15 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I am so sorry that I've been posting so many poems lately! Things will get back to normal in a little bit. 

Past Me (Part 1)

2:01 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

When I was in 3rd grade, my teacher made me write in a journal filled with prompts. One of them was: If you were the principal, what would you do?

Turns out younger me had some pretty good ideas...

Kitchen Sink (A Poem)

1:07 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

More poetry this week. It sucks, I know. The metaphor came from the twenty one pilots song, Kitchen Sink. 

Oh Miss Believer (A Poem)

8:19 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

 I wrote a poem. Upon rereading it, it's kind of depressing. I hope you guys like it! If you want to know where I got the inspiration, please refer to this video:
Also, the subject of this poem? You know who you are. Come talk to me about it if you want. I understand if you don't want to though.  

FYI, please read with no music on. Thanks!

The Internet: Fandoms (Part 1)

7:10 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

We're going to jump right in with possibly the darkest part of the internet. Fandoms. Some might argue that this is actually Tumblr, but I'm saving that for another post.

The Internet: The Reason Why Your Kids Are Crazy (and why I am too)

5:31 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

There are obviously other reasons that my generation is crazy. Well, we aren't crazy per se. We just are a little over emotional. And weird. Let's just start the series.

Global Compassion & Computers

1:15 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Do you guys want to start off your year with a bit of charity work? Do you want to donate to charity? Do you want to give to a good cause? Do you want me to get to the point? Click below to read more.

Nervous Energy

11:48 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

A few weeks ago, I had to recite a poem of my choice to my class. It was a terrifying experience and I'm going to tell all of y'all about it!