Every. Single. Time.

9:37 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

This seems to happen every time I come back to Japan. I'll spend so much time on other projects that I forget about my blog and I'm left back here trying to figure out if I should start writing again or if I should stockpile posts and put them on a schedule or just forget the whole thing altogether. There's never really a correct answer though.

At the moment I'm pretty preoccupied with writing for scholarships and my novel that I hope to actually maybe publish one day. This blog has fallen to the side. Maybe it's because I'm not interested, maybe it's because I'm too busy, maybe because my heart isn't in writing. Either way, I'm going to keep this blog up. I need something that I can finish and say that I did. And because of that, I'm doing a total rebrand of the site. It'll take a while, and yes I've done this before, but when I say this I mean different url, different look to the site, different everything. I'm starting clean y'all, and all my updates will be here first. Welcome to a new era.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace


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May 18, 2018 at 11:46 AM delete

love your website, 10/10! I hope to go to Japan soon as well! can you check out my blog? www.thekalebi.wixsite.com/ourlives . thanks! it would mean a lot coming from a fellow blogger!
