The Fundamentals of Caring

7:35 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Announcement: I am getting on a plane tomorrow morning. 

Now back to our post about heart and gut wrenching movies on Netflix.
I spent this evening doing laundry and transferring disks to our family iTunes account. I was also watching a Netflix adaptation called "The Fundamentals of Caring," starring Paul Rudd, Selena Gomez, and Craig Roberts (No relation). I really should have been packing, but hey, I'm a good speed packer so who cares? 

The movie was about a boy who had been diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy at the age of three, and a writer gone caretaker. This was a result of his child dying three years prior. 

I'm not going to say much about the movie, seeing as I really want people who read my blog to watch it. I will, however, tell you what stood out to me. In the movie, the teenager, Trevor, didn't let his disease define him. I really respect that. It would be easy just to sit around all day and let other people do things for you and do nothing. 

This movie, in my opinion, has the best ending ever. Just saying. 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night. 
Anna Grace