Writing is HARD (Post NaNo Crisis)

10:04 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I've reached a bit of a roadblock in my writing, and would like to take this opportunity to correct a myth that's been going around the internet for a while.

As many of you know, I participated in NaNoWriMo (and won't shut up about it.). Now, people don't doubt that 50,000 words in a month is insane. I mean, seriously! A novel in a month? That's insane! NaNoWriMo is kind of like just putting words on paper and not caring about if it's complete crap. The first revision is complete hell, but you get it done. About a week ago I decided to do a complete rewrite of my novel, mostly because I think it sucks. The rewrite is killing me. I keep running into roadblocks and they won't go away!

So here's the deal:

As authors, we put our hearts, souls, and minds into writing the novel. We not only submerge ourselves into the story, but we become the story. Our words are our world, and we can only hope that other people find that our words are their world too. Every time we write a chapter or a scene or a novel, we include a little bit of our soul.

Remember that the next time you decide to call writing easy.

Sorry for the rant. I needed to write something before going back to the rewrite.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace