Writing? Writing.

4:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Hafa Adai Everybody!

So, today I'm going to talk about writing. I love to write. To my friends, that's no secret. I also love reading, so I'm not usually at a loss for words.

I am currently writing 3 drafts. One with my friends (Again, Aisha and Anna) and 2 by myself. Sometimes it's really hard to come up with an idea that hasn't been done already. How do I get my ideas? Let's see.

I have 2 methods.

1) I think of books that I like. I then think of authors that I like. Some of those book ideas I can tweak in big ways so that I can make them my own. Change the plot, change the characters, change the setting; change it all, but be careful.  This method is a risky one. If you don't change it enough, you could run the risk of being sued for plagiarism, and this isn't something that anyone wants to have to deal with.

2) Pinterest. Well, not all of +Pinterest. Just the parts that involve writing. There is this one board that I follow that I absolutely love. It was created by this amazing girl. She has awesome ideas for writing and RPs. I don't do RPs, but the ideas for all of it is just gorgeous! The board is here.

I am going to start a writing tab on the nav bar and you guys will be able to see my stories as I write them. Feel free to leave comments!

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.

(PS, comment if you got that reference.)