Dear Travelers

9:01 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Uh huh. Oh yeah. Let's write a super ambiguous letter today!

Dear Travelers,

Whether you be old or young, you are doing something that will stay with you for the rest of your life! Congratulations! Now, here are a few things that people find annoying about you guys.

1. Boasting. You (well, we, but for the purpose of this letter it's going to be you) boast about the places you get to go. There are some people who don't get to go anywhere. Like, they stay in the same town for their whole life. So, when you are talking about your travels, don't lay it on too thick.

2. Seat-Hogging. When you're in an airport, does your baggage really need to go on the seat? Seats are for people and occasionally animals. Not bags and boxes.

3. Punctuality. Please please please be on time when you get to the airport or wherever you go really.

4. Foreign Cash. GET IT OUT OF YOUR WALLET AS SOON AS YOU GET OUT OF THE AIRPORT. Nobody likes being behind the guy who is sifting through baht, won, yen, and yuan to get to the USD. Believe me. I've been on both sides before. If you find other currency in your wallet when you go to pay, just let others go in front of you.

5. Be nice. Believe me, I know how it feels when you get off a 14 hour flight and someone picks you up from the airport and all they want to do is talk. Tell them nicely that you need some rest or that you don't want to talk. Don't snap at them.

That's just about it. Thank you guys. Keep traveling!

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace