Counting Down The Days (NaNoWriMo Prep Day 3)

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   Oh my gosh November can’t come slow enough! (Or is it fast enough? I can never get it right with phrases like that.) I’ve been freaking out trying to get my setting and characters and plot straightened out. Most of my friends and teachers probably think I’m crazy by now, but if you’ve done NaNoWriMo before, you know exactly how I feel. I should be using this time to figure out what Brigid’s apartment looks like, but I decided that I needed a break. So, I’m going to explain what my novel is about. Don’t worry, I’ll try to make it as short as I can.

    I have given my novel the working title of “An Expat’s Guide to Moving Home.” It’s a little long, but I like it because I captures what I’m trying to convey with the story. The novel itself (which I will call EGMH for the time being) is about a girl named Brigid Warner who has just moved from Tokyo, Japan to New York City after living for 7 years in Asia.

    Sound familiar? Well, you’re not crazy. I’m basing a lot of this off of my own experiences. Now, I haven’t been to New York in about 11 years, so I’ll have to do *some* research on the metropolis, but I know what living in a city is like, so I think that I won’t have too much trouble.

    I want EGMH to really capture what it’s like being a teenager and moving to a new place. EGMH, however, is taking a little bit of a reverse approach because of some of my other experiences. You see, I recently moved back to Japan, a place that I moved to about 6 years ago and moved from about 3 years ago. So, I’ve got some pretty strange ideas about home. I quite literally don’t know where mine is. So *home* really a relative term.   

I must go, my people!
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night!
Anna Grace