Anna Grace: And Proud

4:03 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

So, no. I am not gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender, etc. This post is inspired by the Android campaign, Android: And Proud. Before you read the rest of my post, please watch this video:

Before you ask, I made myself into a little character on androidify. I might just make it my profile picture because I personally think that it is the cutest icon style ever.

Anyway, the actual post is going to be kind of short. It's more like a reflection of the video above. Click below if you want to read it.

I am me. 

I have flaws, and I have a lot of them.  I break down my self esteem because of these flaws. Why? I'm not quite sure. 

I believe myself to be depressed. This is something that I will recover from.

I am a complicated person. I won't judge others.

I don't think I'm good enough for anyone: my family, my friends, etc. I am good enough. 

I am a broken person. But then again, we're all broken people. 

(Ps, I will probably go against what I have just posted. Please hold me to this guys!)


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