Airplane Post 6: Time is a Funny Thing

11:41 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Are there certain places in the world where you wonder if time is displaced? Is that just me? I know it isn’t, because I saw a tumblr post about it. These places, such as an empty school, are strange to humans because we already have a context for it. Students are supposed to be in a school. Lots of people are supposed to be in a school. So when you’re in an empty school after dark, you feel strange. Where are all the people? Why is it so dark? Why am I in an empty school after dark anyway?

In an airplane, time just doesn’t seem to exist. I’m here, and it’s 4:46 am and 3:46 pm at the same time. Then I look at the clock on the plane, and I see that I have 9 hours and 58 minutes left. What to do with all that time? I can’t sleep, meal service has ended, and I’m tired of staring at a screen. For the first few hours I reenacted Hamilton (Delta has Hamilton on their entertainment software because why not?). 

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)

Anna Grace