Airplane Post 5: Portion Sizes
This trip has been great. That being said, I feel like shit and I think that if I ate anything remotely healthy my body would reject it. I’ve tried my best to eat healthily on this trip, but it’s hard when you’re in America. Every chance I got, whether we were in Pensacola or New Orleans or Atlanta, I tried to eat a salad for the meal.
(That was practically impossible in Texas and Arkansas, because a) those were the first two places we went; and b) when you’ve been overseas and haven’t had really good Tex-Mex or BBQ, you eat it regardless of how you’ll feel later. For the first 8 days that we were in the States, we had some kind of BBQ for a meal. )
These salads were huge though! In fact, everything in America is huge! A few hours ago, my mom and I split a kids meal. I don’t think I’ve even seen my brother finish an American kids meal.
Despite the fact that crazy cheap prices for huge portions might sound good, it’s a contributor to the major health problems in America. 10 dollars will buy a lot more McDonald’s than fruits and/or veggies, which is why you often see or hear of people in relative poverty eating unhealthy foods.
So what are we going to do about it? I’d love to hear your ideas.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning?
Anna Grace