Airplane Post 3: Perpendicular
In all my time as an amateur kind-of-but-not-really observer of maps, I’ve never realized that the space between Alaska and Hawaii forms a straight line. It took semi-severe turbulence for me to bring myself to check the flight progress map found in the monitor on the back of the seat in front of me. It turns out that at that very moment, we were perpendicular to that line.
This has made me think about people and lines. There are parallel people, perpendicular people, and other-names-for-lines-that-I-can’t-remember-right-now people.
With perpendicular people, we enter their lives for a while, and then leave, impacting them in a way.
With parallel people, I have two theories. The first is that these are people that stay with us our whole lives, or at least longer than perpendicular people. Like our parents and life-long/best friends could be parallel people.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Morning(?)
Anna Grace