Past Me (Part 1)
When I was in 3rd grade, my teacher made me write in a journal filled with prompts. One of them was: If you were the principal, what would you do?Turns out younger me had some pretty good ideas...
"If I were the principal of Nishimachi, we would travel to Narnia. There we would learn magic and some of us would become kings or queens. We would also solve mysteries with Nancy Drew and take a journey to the center of the Earth. We's explore the deep seas and outer space. We would fly with fairies and pegasi and go to Camelot and prehistoric times. In other words, we would read books."
--Anna Grace Roberts (Age 10)
When I was younger, I absolutely loved to read. It was my favorite thing to do and took up most of my time. (That was before the internet consumed my soul.) I really hated that journal, but it had some nice ideas. Maybe I'll try a few.
Until next time,
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace