The Perfect Life & Success
The other day, I took my little brother Jack to the park. Well, it was more like a playground with surrounding patches of grass. Unlike most days, there were a lot of kids there. They were mostly at or a few years around my brother's age. This got me thinking. What exactly is success? It's not an object, that's for sure. It's an idea. It's a goal, or is it? At what point in your life do you say: "I have succeeded." Succeeded at what? Life in general?
The definition of success is:
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
the attainment of popularity or profit.
a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.
What does that even refer to? Here are the words that stand out to me: aim, purpose, popularity, profit, desired aims, and prosperity. Let me tell you one thing, none of those things matter. In the grand scheme of things, none of that is ever going to matter. In the expected 7,000,000,000 that the Earth is to continue, your life is a tiny fraction of that. Unless you plan on discovering the Warp Drive or teleportation or time travel, you will most likely not be remembered. Do you want to be remembered? Then do something memorable. Help people less fortunate than you. Remember, we are blessed to be a blessing upon others. Success doesn't matter. Just remember that.
A question that comes hand in hand with this idea of success is: What is the perfect life? Is it the 2.5 children and white picket fence? Is it the 2 story house with a basement and attic? Is it a big backyard and a dog and a front yard that is mowed every Saturday? The thing you have to remember is that life is full of imperfections. That's what makes it life. The good and the bad. Again, your life isn't going to be remembered. People won't care about whether you had a white picket fence and a big back yard. They are going to care about what you do with your allotted century on this Earth.
The big takeaway:
Do something memorable with your life. Don't worry about success and leading a perfect life.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace