Project For Awesome Aproacheth!

4:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

It's that time of year again! Time for the nerds to take over YouTube! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, or if you do, please read the following post!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to this video:
This video was from 2008, so don't rely on the dates. This years Project For Awesome is December 11-12, 2015. It's happened every year since 2007, which is a year that has already gone down in history as the year that Vlogbrothers and by extension Nerdfighteria was created. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, well I'll make another post explaining it.

Anyway, on to the present, 2015. This year I'm making my video about an organization called Global Compassion. All I'm going to tell you is that they help kids in Cameroon, which is a small country about the size of Texas, nestled between Nigeria and the Central African Republic. There will be a blog post about that as well.

I'm actually waiting for the footage from my phone to transfer to my computer, so I've been left with a little free time in my life, which is practically unheard of these days. I really should be working on my novel. I'm almost done with the first draft. Then I have to revise and that's probably going to take about 15,000,000 years. The almost complete first draft of my novel was a result of the glorious thing called NaNoWriMo. I'm planning to do it in April and maybe even in July as part of Camp NaNoWriMo. I could have made a P4A video about NaNoWriMo, but I figured that Global Compassion was the more pressing matter at the moment.

If you want to get involved, make a P4A video! It's simple enough really. Just find a charity that you really care about, make a video about them, put it up on December 11, and then on December 11th, Noon EST (Here's a link to when that is around the world),  the 48 hour livestream will commence and Project For Awesome will begin!

*Quietly leaves a video from 2013 on how to make P4A videos here*

I really can't wait for Project For Awesome to get underway. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this video of Hank and Katherine, probably the cutest couple in the world, singing a song about the first ever P4A.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace