Alexander Hamilton or Anna Roberts?
There are many ways in which Hamilton has taken over my life. The moment that I really realized that I was so deep in it was when I realized that either I was emulating our $10 founding father without a father, or I had just always been like this. That's right, I'm saying that there are visible parallels between myself and Alexander Hamilton.
1. I write like I'm running out of time
I mean, take a look at my NaNoWriMo novel, which clocked in at 62k words. Since then, I've written an assortment of short stories, a novella, and half of a new novel, along with like 50 blog posts or so. I can't not write, and it's both a blessing and a curse. Seriously, you should see my unfinished story folder.
2. I don't know when to stop
I am known among my family as being the one who won't stop, even past the point when I see that I should stop. Once you dig yourself a hole, you can't just stop and say, "Sure. You're right." You have to stay with your point. I've been getting better and knowing when to stop though.
3. I often act like I am the smartest person in the world
This is really a subconscious thing for me. I can be condescending sometimes, and I'm trying to stop. It's hard to be conscientious of these things sometime though. Let me just say, it's a work in progress.
4. I live in a place that I'm not from
Just as A. Ham was not from the Caribbean (He was from Scotland), I am not from Japan or Korea. Of course, he was just kind of dropped in the Caribbean and then moved to America. I moved from America and it was all choice.
5. There are a million things I haven't done
I feel like this speaks for itself. I'm young, and I've got so many things that I have to do.
So, there's my little rant about being kind of like Alexander Hamilton. In other news, I've been in the Duke TIP program for a week now and it's going really great. I also would like to wish a happy birthday to whomever has had or will have a birthday in the near future or past.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace