Jenne & Trish

5:02 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

     "You can't be serious Jenna. There's no way that you can do this with a clear conscience."
     "What do you mean?" Jenna whipped around. There was really nothing stopping her from doing it, and Trish knew it. Jenna was a whirlwind, always in her own mind, which made her dangerous. Her parents, gone. Her former life, gone. Her records, gone. The impact that she left, gone. Her friends, only Trish remained. And if Jenna went through with this, Trish might not even remain. After all, who could stick around with a certified psychopath?

"What do you mean?" Jenna repeated. "I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car. Now get in."

Alexander Hamilton or Anna Roberts?

7:03 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

There are many ways in which Hamilton has taken over my life. The moment that I really realized that I was so deep in it was when I realized that either I was emulating our $10 founding father without a father, or I had just always been like this. That's right, I'm saying that there are visible parallels between myself and Alexander Hamilton.

I've Been Gone For A While...

12:33 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

So sorry for the lack of posts everybody! I've just been so busy these days. Just recently I reached an important milestone in my academic career, and I'm just so excited for what comes next! I'm also starting the Duke TIP program today, and leaving for a mission trip on Sunday. I'm definitely coming back from this summer with a whole lot of stories!

I'll probably find a lot of time to post after around July 29. Of course, I'll find time to post before then! I'm just so excited that school is over and I'm not as stressed. Anyway, I'm using a new word tracking software to make sure that I do my writing. I'll probably come out with a short story or something of the kind soon.

I'll see you guys later.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace