April Was a Disaster. Let Me Tell You Why.

I'm going to be quite honest here, Camp NaNo didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. What was supposed to be another great story writing adventure really just turned into me stressing over the ACT that I had to take and the different projects that I had going on. Not a lot of fun. But hey! At least I got a good lesson out of it!
Writing is an extremely volatile thing. It will strike at the strangest of times, like in the middle of the mathematics section of your ACT, or otherwise any of the most inopportune times in the world. This is why you should always carry a notebook with you, so that you can quickly write down any ideas that come to mind. Of course, that wouldn't have helped me with my ACT, so it really doesn't matter in my case.
I've been writing since I was in Kindergarten, starting with a five page book about a teacher who always wore a purple dress and had purple hair. (I'm beginning to think that that teacher will be me someday. I always have had an affinity for purple.) Since then, I haven't actually written a lot of stories of my own free will. It's just been for school, but I loved it when we were assigned the projects. These days, however, I've been writing my own stories, and it's been going pretty well. I'm thinking of putting them all into one large collection and selling them on the Kindle Store. What do you guys think of that? Or I could just offer them for free. Or the Gumroad pay what you want thing.
Anyway, what I've learned from this past April is that if you don't keep writing, you will not be able to write. Of course I had written since November/December, but I wasn't in the habit of writing stories. Thus, April was a bit of a disaster writing-wise. My original story was about two TCKs who were dropped in a former war zone, but I just lost interest in the story line, and you know what they say: If it's boring to you, it's boring to your reader!
You know, maybe I'll post it, just for fun. I've been meaning to fill up some of my other pages on the blog anyway.
I need to get going. I'm so sorry I haven't been here as of late. I'll make sure to update more frequently.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night!
Anna Grace