The Reason Why I Didn't Ski On A Ski Trip

6:22 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Hi everybody! I've been sick, and let me tell you it sucked. I'll start at the beginning.

It started with last Friday. I went to school feeling a bit crappy, attributing it to the weather and shrugging it off. As the day went on, I began to feel worse and worse. By the end of the night (that I spent alone with Lindsay Lohan's "Freaky Friday" and a bowl of popcorn) I had a mild fever.

When I woke up the next morning, I knew that I had to go to school because it was the last day of filming. That day we were filming the last scene (the food fight scene). So, I braved the filming and managed through the day. (It really sucked.) When my mom came home, she saw that I had an actual fever and made me stay home from church.

The next day was the day that I was supposed to leave for the ski trip. I decided to go, seeing as I felt well enough. Big. Mistake.

So we got to Naeba and went snowshoeing. (Tip: Don't go snowshoeing.) By dinner time I was overheating and ready to go to bed. It was 6:30 pm. I asked the supervising teacher if I could go to bed early because I was tired. She made me go to the nurse. It turned out that I had a high fever of 102.8 degrees F. I stayed in the sick room that night alone and the next morning, with a fever of 103.1, I went home on the Shinkansen.

And that, my friends, is the story of how I did absolutely no skiing during the school ski trip. Stay healthy, guys.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace


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Anna Marie
February 8, 2016 at 2:45 AM delete

Aww feel better!! My ski trip was pretty horrible too. :/

February 9, 2016 at 3:12 AM delete

Really? What happened? I hope you're okay!
