Holiday Travel Tips (Part 1)

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Thanksgiving has passed (for Americans. All Canadian WriMos have it easy.) and that means that many will be pulling out their Christmas trees and decorating their houses with festive lights and tinsel this weekend. For many others, it means travel. For people who live in my community, it usually means long haul overseas travel. To make it easier on us and you, I have compiled a list of things that all travelers should do.
  1. Always get to the airport about 2.5-3 hours ahead of schedule. I know it may seem like a bad idea, but by the time you get through security and immigration and find the gate, it'll most likely be time to board the plane.
  2. Have your travel documents out before you get to security. Nobody wants to be that person that is fumbling to get their boarding pass out. You just got it from the check-in desk for goodness sake!
  3. Under 12 and over 65? Go ahead and skip on taking off your jacket and shoes. Over 12 and under 65? Just take em' off. You're not fooling anybody.
  4. Do you have a small child? Grab some snacks before you get on the plane. Be sure to bring things to keep them entertained. 
  5. Bring some reading material or something else to do other than watch movies the whole way there. Nothing is more boring than not being able to sleep and counting down the hours till you get off that plane.
  6. GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE YOU GET ON THE PLANE. It may just be me, but airplane bathrooms are freaking scary!
  7. Stay hydrated on the plane. It's good for you.
  8. Walk around the plane! Even if you don't have to go to the bathroom, it's good for you. Studies show that if you sit for 8 hours or more, that it can lead to an increase in risk for heart disease. As always, this is tip is not for everyone.
  9. Eat. Even if you don't like the food, it's always good to eat food on the plane. 
So, for now, those are my tips.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace