7:30 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

So, a while ago I wrote a blog post that was kind of directed towards my teachers at Nishimachi International School (It was this one if you want to read it). A few days ago, a good friend of mine tweeted that post to one of the teachers that was mentioned (Mr. Kolosowski). Here is the story of my reaction.
Every day since Anna tweeted that post, I checked back again and again, hoping that he would check his Twitter. I would have just emailed him, but I wasn't the best at remembering things when I was younger.

You see, when I was in 4th grade, Mr. K gave me his email address. Being the young, forgetful, 4th grader that I was, I forgot to actually email that email address before it went out of service (because it was a school email). So, when I finally got around to emailing him, the email didn't work. You may be able to imagine the disappointment that I felt. If you can't, well here's a textual representation:

NOOOOOOOO What was I thinking? Whyyyyy? Oh my gosh I'm so stupid!

So, back to the present. About 20 minutes ago, I found out that Mr. K actually replied to Anna, read my blog post, and made my statistics dashboard blow up (possibly without meaning to. I'm not sure.). It's study hall, so my reaction was slightly muted, but I freaked out. Here's another textual representation:

Hmmm...Let's look at Anna's tweet...Wait. What? *scrolls down* Holy crap. No. It can't be. OH MY GOD YES! I FINALLY DID IT. 

While all of this was going through my brain, my mouth fell open and I was paralyzed.

I'm not sure if you understand how much of a victory this was for me. I finally "talked" to a person whom I had been trying to talk to for 3 and a half years! So, Mr. K, if you are reading this, please, for the love of God, email me!

Sorry if this sounded weird, but that's kind of who I am.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.
Anna Grace