Avengers: Age of Ultron

2:47 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

SPOILERS AHEAD! Just a warning. Seriously, if you don't want spoilers, don't read this next post.

Yesterday, +TheNerdyBanana (She's popping up quite a bit on my blog isn't she.) and I went to the movie theater to finally go and see Avengers: Age of Ultron. Thanks to a particularly annoying member of our class, we heard a major spoiler and while it didn't ruin the viewing experience, it didn't exactly put us in the best mood when the spoiler came around.

So, what were my thoughts on the movie? It was amazing. From an objective standpoint, the plot was very well written. One thing I didn't particularly enjoy was the filmmakers changing Pietro and Wanda's back stories. I went into that movie theatre with a head full of X-Men knowledge and it was all useless. USELESS I TELL YOU USELESS.

Now, about Natasha. I really love how we got to see more of her backstory and how she connected with Bruce. I know that that sounds really really girly, but I ship them so hard. Even more than Clintasha. While we're on the subject of Clint, I love how he has a girlfriend and kids. It was so unexpected!

I hate the end with a passion. Where did Bruce Banner go? Are Tony and Clint going to come back? And most of all...WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD YOU MAKE THE WAR MACHINE AND THE VISION AVENGERS?! I mean, I can deal with Scarlet Witch and the Falcon. But Rhodey just doesn't seem like an Avenger. The Vision is just weird. I don't really like him because he's the one 'person' that can actually be classified as neutral. He's a machine and doesn't seem like he can be swayed. I know that there were many Avengers. There were the Young Avengers and the West Coast Avengers and a whole plethora of other Avenger teams. We don't even know if these people will become the next Avengers.

Overall, I loved this movie and can't wait until Captain America: Civil War.

Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.


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May 10, 2015 at 7:54 AM delete

I asked my dad and brother, and they said theres no way in heck that the moviemakers would just take off all those characters from the avengers series. So I'm PRETTY sure that they're coming back with more avengers + helpers too.

May 10, 2015 at 7:55 AM delete

and my brother read the comics. Apparently, ultron was supposed to kill off like half of the world and almost all of the avengers. The comics only left iron man and captain america to remain.
