Dude, Be Nice.

8:29 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

So, today was my first dance. I know, it seems weird, but yeah, deal with it. It was nice, and I'm finally starting to make some friends, but it was strange in a way. I wasn't as reserved about what I said, and it felt nice. At school, I usually watch what I say very carefully for fear of offending someone. I don't know why though. I'm usually ok with not offending people, and I don't offend people on purpose.

 My math/science teacher in Korea told our class something that is very important. It went, "Dude, be nice." That's it. Just be nice. That's all we have to do to eliminate bullying and exclusion from schools. Just be nice. Invite someone over to your table to sit with you at lunch. If someone is having trouble on an algebra problem (as I usually do) help them out, give them a hint.  If a student looks lost in the hallway, try and help them out, because chances are they'll remember it.

So here's your challenge going into the week. Try being nice and interact with a person OUTSIDE of your friend group. When I say interact, I mean actually interact. Don't just say hi and think that when I die I won't roll over in my grave because of that.

I have to go.
Cheers, DFTBA, and Good Night.